How to Manage Period Cravings
Okay, let’s talk about cravings, specifically those pesky period cravings. You know the ones that hit you along with the fatigue, mood swings and cramps? As if all the other symptoms weren’t enough.
Even if you have the “best” most blood sugar friendly diet and you do ALL the “right” things, cravings can still happen. We’re human! It’s just a matter of how often and how intense.
Because cravings don’t always have to feel a drug withdrawal. But instead if they come around every so often and are just a little nudge like a friend saying “hey, you know I could really go for an ice cream”
So basically what I’m saying is these cravings don’t have to control you every month or be a victim of your hormones. You can take back that control! Plus if you know exactly how to crush them, they’ll no longer get in your way of all your hard work. Because enjoying some chocolate, cookies or ice cream does not have to completely derail you!
Let’s first talk a bit about why these cravings pop up in the first place.
In the second half of your cycle, the Luteal phase, (which goes up until the start of your period) our body is more susceptible to blood sugar swings and for some women their basal metabolic rate (how many calories they burn doing literally nothing) actually increases, which can trigger an increase in appetite. This perfect storm of a rise in progesterone and estrogen as well as prostaglandins increases your protein needs, decreases carb tolerance making you susceptible to blood sugar swings; decreased stress resilience, slows digestion triggering bloat. Oh and did I mention your need for salt actually increases too?
If you ask me, this is a recipe for cravings and a “I don’t care any more just give me all the sugar” attitude. Am I right?
But remember, we don’t have to let our hormones run the show. Our bodies are pretty darn cool and if we tune in and give it what it needs things can run pretty darn smoothly. Including less cravings and even fewer PMS symptoms.
So now that we’ve covered all the why, let’s talk about what you should do.
Here are my top 4 tips for combatting period cravings:
Prioritize protein! Make sure your meals are balanced with plenty of protein, I recommend aiming for 25-35 grams of protein/meal.
Actually eat what you’re craving. Wait, what?! Yes, eat the food! BUT be smart about it. If there is a way to “healthify” it and it still satisfy your craving go ahead and do that. If not you can work it into your balanced meal. If it’s mac n cheese you’re craving, count that as your carb, choose a higher protein option like Banza and have a nice side of broccoli. If it’s chocolate you want, have a small piece with some nuts for a snack.
Up your magnesium. Most women aren’t getting enough magnesium in their diet and can be helpful for decreasing PMS symptoms. It’s also really important for blood sugar balance (honestly, there isn’t much that magnesium doesn't play a part in). So if you’re already supplementing (I recommend a bisglycinate form, this is one of my favorites) try increasing it during this time to see how you feel. Also including magnesium rich foods like dark leafy greens, beans and chocolate (yup, chocolate!).
Prioritize sleep! PMS + sleep deprivation = cravings monster. Not getting enough sleep can make cravings much worse, especially for sugar and carbs. So treat yourself to a nap or at least a reasonable bedtime to help.
If you feel like you are in fact doing all the things and cravings or PMS are causing you to put your life on hold every month, it doesn’t have to be that way! If you’re ready to take back that control and heal your hormones, I’d love to help and am currently accepting 1:1 clients.