Hey there! I’m Haley
I’m a Functional Medicine Dietitian and Diabetes Educator.
I went from professional dieter, to the nutrition student that took everything I was learning about weight loss to the extreme, to realizing I actually didn’t have to do all that to look and feel my best. I used to believe that 24/7 exercise, following strict diets, and spending way too much time counting calories was the secret to losing weight.
In fact, that is what was holding me back!
Now I’m here to help you learn how you can heal your metabolism and hormones so you can finally love your body and have the energy to live your life to the fullest too!
Let’s get personal!
Truth be told, I never thought I would be able to go from constantly stressing about food, hating my body and having no energy, to eating like a normal person (I’m talking tacos and chocolate, yum!), feeling confident in my skin and having the energy to go after my dreams.
I thought I was doomed to a slow metabolism and low energy my entire life…But, like you, I’m not one to just accept “welp this is just the way it’s going to be”.
So I did my research, decided I wasn’t going to settle for lackluster nutrition advice or a lifetime of just surviving. After years of jumping from diet to diet getting literally nowhere, I realized maybe I had it all wrong…
That was when my world (and my body) started to change.
Once I started to truly understand how my body worked, what it needed to function, oh and actually gave it what it needed, I finally saw a shift.
I started to be able to think clearly, wake up feeling rested, I no longer had digestive issues pop up out of nowhere, my skin cleared and probably one of the best things is I was actually able to enjoy meals with my friends and family again. And I want that for you too!
I was you. I tried every diet ever invented to get the perfect “ballet body''. I tried every restrictive diet for years that left me with hormonal imbalances and (you guessed it) more weight gain. After getting brushed off by multiple health professionals who told me to “eat less and move more,” I decided there had to be a healthier way to boost my metabolism and balance my hormones that made sense for me and my body.
Through my experience, I learned that restrictive diets and pushing yourself harder at the gym couldn’t be more wrong. Soon, I uncovered the root causes of my hormonal imbalances and found healthier ways to rev up my metabolism. Through my coaching program, I want to help you learn about your body, develop a strong understanding of nutrition foundations and learn about what works best for YOU instead of following another cookie-cutter diet.
Are you ready to take your next step?
Let’s ditch your weight loss journey and begin a life journey!
Haley Garelli
B.S. In Nutrition Science, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo 2014
Registered Dietitian 2015
Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist 2019
Functional Medicine Training 2021